Thursday, December 4, 2008

Jasmine Flower Symbolism

Jasmine Flower Symbolism
The flower symbolism associated with the jasmine flower is attachment, sensuality, modesty, grace and elegance. Jasmines are widely cultivated for their flowers, enjoyed in the garden, as house plants, and as cut flowers. The flowers are worn by women in their hair in southern and southeast Asia. Some claim that the daily consumption of Jasmine tea is effective in preventing certain cancers.

Lady's Mantle Symbolism
The symbolism associated with Lady's Mantle is that of a cloak for for the Blessed Virgin. Lady's mantle was grown in Mary Gardens. The name alchemilla (little magical one) derives from the dew which collects on the lady's mantle. Dew is often associated with magic. The dew was used as a beauty lotion, while pillows stuffed with it were reputed to bring on a good sleep

Lilac Flower Symbolism
The flower symbolism associated with the lilac is beauty, pride, youthful innocence and youth. A pale purple co lour is generally known as lilac after the flower. Lilacs are known for their strong, perfume-like scent and are the state flower of New Hampshire

Lily Flower Symbolism
The flower symbolism associated with the lily is chastity, virtue, fleur-de-lis, Holy Trinity, faith, wisdom, chivalry, royalty; beauty (calla), mother (China), hatred (orange), wealth, pride (tiger); sweetness, virginity, purity, majesty, it's heavenly to be with you (white); gaiety, gratitude, I'm walking on air (yellow). The flower symbolism of lilies is associated with the annunciation of the birth of Jesus by the angel Gabriel. Lilies were used in the flower symbolism of Mary Gardens. In both Christian and pagan traditions, lilies symbolize fertility. In Greek marriage ceremonies, the bride wears a crown of lilies.

Lotus Flower Symbolism
The flower symbolism associated with the lotus is estranged love and forgetfulness of the past. The lotus is the national flower of India. The blue or Indian lotus, also known as the bean of India and the sacred water-lily of Hinduism and Buddhism. Lotus roots are also used widely in Asian cooking.

Lupine Flower Symbolism
The flower symbolism associated with Lupines are symbolic of imagination. The name lupinus actually means of wolves due to the mistaken belief that ancient peoples had that lupines robbed the soil of nutrients. The fact is that lupines add nitrogen to the soil. Lupines are the only food for the Karner blue butterfly's caterpillar. The scent from lupine blossoms is like that of honey, a nice addition to any garden. Read more about lupines. See gifts featuring lupines.

By Kathleen Karlsen


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