Sunday, November 16, 2008

Learn The Meaning Of Different Flowers

Here are some common meanings of flowers, so that you will have an easy reference guide for sending flowers to your loved ones.Alstromeria: Devotion, Wealth, prosperity, fortune, friendship, pleasantries. Origin & History: Alstromeria is named after the Swedish botanist Baron Klas von Alstroemer. This South American flower's seeds were among many collected by von Alstroemer on a trip to Spain in 1753.Aster: Symbol of love, Daintiness. Origin & History: The English called asters both "asters" and "starwort"; Aster, Latin for "star," referred to the flower's star-like shape, while wort meant "root," which then applied to plants with healing properties. There are over 600 species of aster, the most popular being the Monte Casino.Azalea: Take care of yourself for me, Temperance, Fragile Passion, Your blush has won me, Moderation, Chinese Symbol of Womanhood. History & Origin: The different between Azaleas and Rhododendrons could be a subject open to debate. The name Azalea comes from the Greek word, azaleos meaning dry which is actually a contradiction of the plant. Most azaleas do not thrive in dry ground and need to be well watered because of the shallowness of their rooting system.Bachelor Button: Hope and love, Hope, Single Blessedness, Celibacy, Hope in love, Felicity, Delicacy.Bird of Paradise: Freedom, Magnificence, Good perspective. Origin & History: Botanists are divided on how this remarkable flower got its name. Some maintain that the flower's brilliant orange and blue blossom, which resembles a bird in flight, is named after the bird of paradise itself - one of the most beautiful bird species in the world. However, since this flower is also known as the strelitzia, some believe that it was named after England's Queen Charlotte.

Calendula (Mary's Gold): winning grace. Origin & History: The calendula's genus name, wor calendae, means "throughout the months." A member of the marigold family, calendula was valued historically for its medicinal and culinary uses. An ancient beverage made from a mixture of calendula blossoms in wine was said to soothe indigestion. Calendula petals were used in ointments that cured skin irritations, jaundice, sore eyes, and toothaches. The Romans used calendula mixed with vinegar to season their meat and salad dishes.Camellia: GENERAL-Admiration, Perfection, Good Luck Gift To A Man; PINK-Longing for You; RED-You're A Flame in My Heart; WHITE-You're AdorableCarnation: GENERAL-Fascination, Woman's Love; PINK-I'll Never Forget You; RED-My Heart Aches For You, Admiration; PURPLE-Capriciousness; SOLID COLOR-Yes; STRIPPED-No, Refusal, Sorry I Can't Be With You, Wish I Could Be with You; WHITE-Sweet and Lovely, Innocence, Pure Love, Woman's Good Luck Gift; YELLOW-You Have Disappointed Me, Rejection. Origin & History: The carnation - originally called dianthus by the Greek botanist Theophrastus - is native to the Near East and has been cultivated for the last 2,000 years. Some scholars believe that the name "carnation" comes from "coronation" or "corone" (flower garlands), as it was one of the flowers used in Greek ceremonial crowns. Others think the name stems from the Greek carnis (flesh), which refers to the original color of the flower, or incarnacyon (incarnation), which refers to the incarnation of God made flesh.
By Tom Sample


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